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Oyasumi Linux is a GNU/Linux distro based on Debian Unstable that aims to be a minimal rolling release distribution while still packaging essential* cli programs, letting you choose what goes on your system and being relatively pain-free to install and use.

Oyasumi Linux is a somewhat stable distro for you to install your WM and rice on without worrying about missing drivers or anything like that.

Oyasumi Linux ships with : ssh & printing support, Z Shell, weechat, ncmpcpp, mpv, elinks, screenfetch** , thefuck, build-essential and more.
(what i install on a fresh linux install)

Oyasumi Linux does not come with any WM/DE. Just the command line. Feel free to use apt-get. The installer is text-based, fully automated. Was built and tested on a 64-bit machine. The ISO is a netinstall, and the installation time is purely dependant on your skills as a human being and your internet speed.

The first and current release is codenamed Kuro and will be released maybe once a few months after the default package list is definitive.

* (imo) ** you have to use it with -D/-A because it isn't compatible

Made with ♥ by sawarineko. Last website update Jan 09 16.